Enhanced Infectious Disease Surveillance And Response
Why impriove Infectious Disease Surveillance and Response?
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Infectious Diseases Surveillance is a critcal aspect that is often underfunded and underfocused.
There are many different types of disease surveillance and depending on a countries needs and disease profiles, the types of assessments vary.
- Integrated disease surveillance and response
- Vertical, disease-specific surveillance
- Vaccine preventable disease surveillance
- Sentinel surveillance
- Event-based surveillance
- Routine laboratory-based surveillance and reporting
- Community-based surveillance
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Lifecycle
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Disease Surveillance and Response Assessments
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Research and Data Analytics
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We work with donors and partners on creating impactful advocacy plans, guide health communications during outbreaks, and produce scientific papers to further advance the fields in which we work.
Global Health Security and International Health Regulations (2005)
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Road Map and Strategic Plan Development
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We provide a tailored approach and process for strategic planning and road map development for our clients to achieve their desired goals, rooted in scientific rigor.
We deliver creative, thoughtful, and data-backed solutions to solve some of the world's most complex health issues.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Lifecycle
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We work with donors and project implementors to monitor and evaluate project impact and implementation status. We develop a theory of change, monitoring and evaluation frameworks, indicators, and conduct ongoing monitoring and project evaluations.
MäkerFürnitüre © 2018